Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Easy as Baked Kale

I wanted to go grain free today and see how I feel. For breakfast I had homemade chicken broth with turmeric and collard greens. I know that that is not a normal breakfast, and there are many that would never eat it even if it wasn't for breakfast. But, I have gotta say it gave me energy and didn't leave me craving more carbs. I had raw pumpkin seeds as a snack a few hours later.

 For lunch I made a big scramble with 2 cups spinach, 6 mushrooms sliced, 2 eggs and spaghetti sauce over the whole thing.

I made myself a big plate of baked kale chips to go on the side.
For one serving I used 4-5 kale leaves with the center stem pulled out and the leaves torn into large chunks. Remember that they shrink when baked.

I seasoned them with salt and pepper, and placed them in a toaster oven preheated to 400 degrees. It takes between 10 and 15 minutes but be careful because they burn easily! I walked away for too long and came back to a few burnt chips.

It was a great lunch and just like breakfast it gave me energy and didn't leave me feeling like I needed to eat everything in the fridge. I might try to do grain free days more often. 

Do you find that eating grains make it hard for you to use portion control sometimes?

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